Better late than never: Here’s what I published this year (in English or Anglophone-relevant; not counting my Czech publications), so that you can read it and decide if it’s award-worthy.
Short stories
- “Dreaming Up The Future” (Analog 7-8 2019)
- “From So Complex A Beginning” (Analog 9-10 2019); labeled Hugo award-worthy by RocketStackRank
- “Martian Fever” (Analog 11/12 2019)
- Haka: European Speculative Fiction in Filipino (ed. Julie Nováková and Jaroslav Olša, Jr.; Anvil Publishing, 2019)

While my short story “All The Smells in The World” appeared in the Jan/Feb 2019 issue of Analog, it came out in December, so it was eligible in 2018. In addition, two of my stories were reprinted this year (“The Gift” in Rich Horton’s The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2019, and “Becoming” in Strange Constellations), but as you are surely aware, reprints are also not eligible.

You can see there’s notably fewer stories than last year, and that has two reasons. The smaller one is, lots of my new stuff appeared in Czech: essays for magazines such as Respekt and Proč ne?, new anthologized short stories, two new Aeronautilus awards to add to my collection (for the best Czech SFFH book and short story published in 2018), radio interviews… However, I also did a TEDx talk on the role of SF in inspiring real-world science and tech, a Europlanet webinar on the search for life in the solar system, and an interview for the Gernsback Machine podcast. Plus I participated in three panels at this year’s Worldcon in Dublin.
The bigger (and growing bigger still) reason is the one-year-old at home, who is amazing, smart and beautiful, but leaves me precious little time for getting any work done, and squeezing writing, translation, editing, working on my grant and PhD thesis, and the occasional essays, talks and such into some two to at best four hours a day proved even more difficult than previously imagined (not speaking of trying to attend a convention with a baby who only wanted to feed directly from the source, but was already old enough to need lots of activity, so in need of an indoor baby/toddler-suitable playground – not really close to the convention center). Nonetheless, there are going to be new publications in 2020, both fiction and nonfiction, and hopefully more translations and editing work as well!
Just finished another great story of yours in analog. Thank you! Ever considered publishing in a Czech-English side by side edition? Děkuji ještě jednou
Thank you, I’m glad you liked the story! A bilingual edition would be great; however, there’s a very limited market for those, and usually classics (often abridged) get published that way, so that people can practice their English (or Czech) on them. But if there’s an opportunity for such an edition in the future, it would be great!
I’m behind in my Analogs, just read “Martian Fever”. What a great idea for a story! Thanks!
Thanks, glad to hear it! You might be interested in a reprint e-book anthology of astrobiologically-themed SF stories I’m preparing at the moment. Once it’s out, I’ll share it on the website and social media.