Did you say NaNoWriMo? (Plus a new story!)

I’ve never been into stuff like NaNoWriMo much. But there is always a first time for everything… My challenge is different. Behold, my November writing schedule:

  • Finish my next novel (already very much behind). Presumably some 60,000 words left. Oh dear.
  • Write a grant proposal. Deadline fast approaching. Maybe some 4,000 words.
  • Write several popular science articles, columns and reviews of various length. Maybe some 12,000 w. in total.
  • Write some newsletters or posts for my employer. That should not be too long; let’s say 6,000 words?
  • Polish a paper, submit it, start a new one. Mostly editing work and drafting.
  • Possibly translate a couple of articles.

That leaves me with over 80,000 words for the month. While doing my usual part-time jobs, attending a conference, preparing my lectures and going to classes. Well, you know what they say about challenges?

(Guess I must be nuts.)


And because I don’t want it to look like I basically haven’t written anything lately (’cause that would be a totally wrong picture!), kindly gaze at the anthology of Professor Moriarty stories that was published some two weeks ago and contains over thirty stories from many talented authors, yours humblest included.


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