
Julie Novakova (*1991) is an award-winning Czech author of science fiction and detective stories. She published seven novels, one anthology, one story collection and over thirty short pieces in Czech. Her work in English has appeared in Clarkesworld, Asimov’s, Analog and elsewhere, and has been reprinted e.g. in Rich Horton’s The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2019. Some of her works have been translated into Chinese, Romanian, Estonian, Filipino, German, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Portuguese, and she acts as a translator of Czech stories into English (in Tor.com, Strange Horizons, F&SF). She edited an anthology of Czech speculative fiction in translation, titled Dreams From Beyond, an anthology of astrobiological SF stories Strangest of All (for the European Astrobiology Institute), and co-edited a book of European SF in Filipino translation, titled Haka, together with the former Czech ambassador in the Philippines, Jaroslav Olša, Jr. Most recently, she has co-edited an anthology titled Life Beyond Us (upcoming in April 2023), taking the readers on a journey through space, time and strange life in 27 SF stories accompanied by 27 science essays.

Julie is a recipient of the European fandom’s Encouragement Award and multiple Czech national genre awards. She’s also active in science outreach, education and nonfiction writing, and leads the outreach working group of the European Astrobiology Institute. She is a PhD candidate in evolutionary biology at the Charles University and likes to write popular science articles about fields ranging from behavioral science to planetary dynamics for Clarkesworld, Analog and other media. She is a member of the XPRIZE Sci-fi Advisory Council.

Follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Links to academic work: Google Scholar, ORCID



  1. Dear Ms Novakova,

    My name is Małgorzata Mika and I am founder of Speculative Treasury, a unique website created for the promotion of the fantastic in all its creative incarnations. To achieve this goal, Speculative Treasury is building a database of magazines, associations and universities to facilitate collaboration between various organizations in numerous different countries.

    I have seen your profile on Twitter (through Djibril al-Ayad’s account), and I have decided to contact you. The database I am creating needs a boost, and I am looking for magazines, associations, organization that will be willing to join my list. Once they agree, they consent to being added to my website, they will be also promoted on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. The only thing they need to do is to fill in this form: http://form.jotformeu.com/form/50692329649365.

    Of course, since my website is still in the process of creation ( it has been online for only two weeks), and I open to other kinds of co-operation. If you have some ideas concerning Speculative Treasury, you are welcome to contact me!

    Kind regards,

    Małgorzata Mika

  2. It was a real pleasure meeting and talking with you at the WorldCon chili party. I have just finished reading DREAMS FROM BEYOND, which for me was a wonderful introduction to the world of Czech SF. (Until now, all I knew of Czech SF was R.U.R.) I enjoyed all the stories, yours not least, and found your essay at the end, “Small Markets, Big Wonders,” especially informative. Thanks for the book!
    Herb Gilliland
    Editor, The Heinlein Journal

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